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Cumbria Football Academy

Code of Conduct



Code of Conduct For Academy Coaches


.Place the well-being and safety of each child above all other considerations 

.Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat each equally within the context of sport.

.Act as an ambassador for the Academy adhering to all guidelines laid down by the football governing bodies,consistently displaying high standards of behaviour and appearance, always promoting the positive aspects of sport (e.g fair play) and never condoning violations of the laws of the game 

.Develop an appropriate working relationship with each child based on mutual trust and respect.

.Encourage and guide the children to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance 

.Ensure that the activities directed or advocated are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of each child

.Promote the fun of playing and never adopt a “Win at all costs” approach. Development is key.


Code of Conduct For Academy Players 


.On arrival at training and match days, shake hands with each coach.

.Respect coaches, team mates, match officials and parents at all times.

.Do not use abusive/ foul language at any time when engaged in Academy based activity.

.Respect the facilities and equipment at the Academy and ensure you leave everything as you find it.

 .Display a positive attitude at all times and support and encourage your team mates.

.Be focused and try your very best during training sessions and on match days.

.Play competitively and strongly but fairly and by the rules at all times.

.Let the coach know in advance if you are unavailable for training or games.

.Pay attention to the coaches at all times during training and matches


Code of Conduct For Parents


.Set a positive example to the children by behaving in a sporting and reasonable manner when attending training sessions and matches.

.Show due respect to match officials, coaches, players and other supporters.

.Give priority to the interests of the team over individual interests.

.If voicing encouragement from the sidelines , always use positive language and phrases and never ridicule mistakes or losses.

.Do not coach from the sidelines, leave this to the academy coaches. If you wish to discuss a particular matter in terms of performance or anything else, please make contact with the coaches who will be happy to speak with you.

.Inform the coach as a matter of urgency of any updated players medical  information , general or specific , issues of concern or suggestions for improvement.

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